Darling darling 我爱你~
Our first LOVED picture
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little gal!!!^^
My little gal VONNE VONNE
Been through precious momentS with you in 2008
Love being by ur side
Love being playful when sticking together
Love being such big bullier
Spent my hard moment with you in G12
(remember?luckily i have you and cs who always believe in me during tat harsh period)
Slacking together
I wish
All the best from the world goes to you
I know intuitively
You'll be very strong! You'll be very fine!
I know
it's our privilege
To be cheerful
To be fun
I'm here loving you all the time *wink* (=^ ^=)
*p/s i never forget it's ur birthday today
i wish i could keep my wishes and blessing for you at the last moment
forget the troubles and Be Happy!
And thanks for being my little gal..=)