Some sweeties first *LOVES*
The pretties <3
Sekcheng's BACK from PERTH
Hoong who's growing =P
OCS the sweet yet horrible HOHOHO monster!
Last taken in toilet
The very first day of december, i had been spending my time with the sweeties for 12hours. It was a very random final decision to sing k after few of us complaint getting bored at home. I am so glad i did spend my time with them. We shared lotsa
SECRET and hahas it was my idea *wink*. Was really relaxing and i love chilling with the right person. Though i dislike 3 gu 6 po but we were for only today. >p en en
We stayed in Station 1 for almost 5 hours and together we figured out our own problems.
We shared and we learnt. I love listening to people as i know i must not repeat the same thing onto myself from him/her experience.
Happiness will never last long to me. Guess it happens on whoever think they are bad luck-er especially
I ADMIT I AM ONE OF THEM so sorry. Heard some bad news and i am so sorry i don't know the truth of it eventhough imma actually the source of it?? Feel so guilty cause imma
Yes, i hurt another ONE today =) good right hahas.
BUT...i chose not to be so pessimistic! I don't want to miss my fun today. I don't want to spoil my good mood today though something disappoint me somehow. Im not short listed to work in PC fair WTF. FINE.. i should have known it. sienz but so? wat-so-eva..
Last but not least, i want to be happy everyday for the sake of my loved onesss and also whoever cares me. I must appreciate the days i own, the people around, the moments i can enjoy as long as im breathing still. I make this promise to myself.
So, delicated to you mr t, no matter u read this or not, or the ANONYMOUS will tell you for sure, PLEASE BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. At least for the sake of your mum? or your friends? or ME? I was so guilty at first but i must tell myself that i am so wrong. I am a super duper freaking PESSIMIST but i want to try to be an OPTIMIST as we don't have much time to enjoy our life. We only have one single life not plural. Same to you! Sometimes, we have to let things go to keep ourselves moving forward no matter how hard it is! I know its not easy to do it and i might not understand your situation but please don't torture yourself. It's hurting....With loves from pud